Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Regime

So... what's our New Year's present here in "America" on this first day of 2012?

Our puppet president, Mr. Obama, signs into law a bill allowing the government to detain anyone, anywhere, without trial, indefinitely. This is part of a bill authorizing another $662 billion to be added to the nation's fictitious debt to finance more military imperialism, death, and destabilization on the inexorable road toward WW3 in the Middle East, martial law, and totalitarian global socialism.

Happy New Year! This is the change you can believe in.

Obama did claim to be signing this bill "despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists." Bullshit!

I didn't think Obama could possibly lie as much, as often, as egregiously, or as consistently as George W. Bush, but he is at least as bad. In fact, I can barely stand to listen to him talk, because pretty much every sentence he utters is a lie. Obama was a good actor, and gave a lot of us the impression that he was a good guy who meant well, who would try to do the right thing, who believed in the Constitution, and who would try to help the average American. But this man, and the higher-ups that he serves, hold the average American in utter, malevolent contempt. Most people still can't wrap their minds around that reality, which makes it possible to hide it in plain sight.

America is finished, dead and gone. All the people who bought into the easy marginalization and dismissal of "conspiracy theories" as being the domain of weirdos and lunatics are already living through the first courses of the inevitable, draconian punishment for their intellectual laziness. Unfortunately they still don't understand the real sources of their difficulties, nor do they have any idea how much worse it is going to get in the years and decades to come.

Excellent writing Joel, keep up the courageous analysis I'm glad I'm reading it. Uncanny considering you just posted this a couple days ago. Two plus two equals four. Michael Tahoe
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