Monday, August 08, 2011

"I'm Just a Patsy"

The coordinated mass-media scapegoating of the Tea Party for the downgrading of the US debt rating is a ridiculous ruse, and the last stage in a very successful effort to derail and marginalize a movement that started out with some sincere people taking exact aim at the real authors of this nation's economic and political implosion-- The shamefully parasitic Federal Reserve, its corrupt, oligarchical member banks, Goldman Sachs, a horde of corrupted and/or hoodwinked boneheaded politicians, and the forces of collectivism that have been steadily working to undermine and dismantle the Constitution and the sovereignty of the United States for more than a century now.

It is a fact that the Tea Party as it exists today is a co-opted, mutated, retarded zombie shadow of the grass-roots uprising in which it began. At its beginning, I believe the Tea Party was actually the biggest threat that the real "evildoers" (the central bankers and their minions who have now seized complete control of the US government) had on their radar screens... But they have a lot of practice dealing with these movements and they know just what to do. They made damn sure it got neutralized and led off into the weeds under the influence of fake fruitcake "leaders" like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann.

Now, at the final stage, as they take the country they looted and slaughtered into bankruptcy and receivership, they have their patsy, their Lee Harvey Oswald, to pin it on... the very movement that started out warning us about the excesses of these criminals and the lofty institutions they have created to rob and control the masses.

Republics always go down, and there are patterns in how it happens. Americans always think that other nations are corrupted and unstable, that other countries are undemocratic with their illegitimate scam elections, that other economic and governmental systems are inferior and inequitable... but to whatever extent the American republic may have been an exception to those rules, the American Empire is not an exception now.

But the demise of this republic, though it follows ancient patterns, happens in a truly new and different context. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon and struck the coup de grace that turned the Roman republic into the Roman Empire, that empire dominated a vast portion of the world as they knew it at the time. But it didn't have a military stranglehold on the entire planet, lightspeed global telecommunications, computers, vast databases, RFID, full-spectrum surveillance capabilities, a digital global financial system, and a mind-boggling arsenal of weaponry up to and including intercontinental ballistic missiles armed with megaton atomic explosive devices. Can you imagine if the Roman Empire did have those things? Well... actually, no need to imagine it. Just wait, and watch. :-)

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.

-Thomas Jefferson

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