Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Plenty to say... no time to say it

I turned off my blog for a week or two. It was fairly inactive, and I guess I was feeling a little... private for a while there.

There's so much going on that I don't have time to properly list it all. I will be in San Francisco in another 10 days for the Folsom Street Fair on September 28. If you're in SF, stop by and see us at the Stockroom / Stormy Leather booth, or at the Stormy Leather store.

Also keep an eye out for some interesting changes to the Stockroom site in October.

Today I had lunch with Heather B, our former Operations Manager and 2nd in command at Stockroom. She is now living an idyllic life rather far removed from the L.A. rat race, in a beautiful home in a small village in Bali, where she helps run a yoga school and does yoga for a couple of hours every day. It reminded me there are lots of other places to be, other ways to live. Inside the Stockroom bubble, things are actually very nice for me in many ways, but there can also be drama and stress, and then there is the City of Los Angeles... which needs a bath, cleaning and pressing, lessons in elocution and poise...


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