Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Letter to my Congressperson
I wrote my Congressperson today.
Why has Barack Obama launched the country into war in Libya without legislative authorization, and why are most of our legislators silent on this issue? This is illegal and wrong.When I talk about these issues, people ask me "Well, what can you / we do about it?" I don't know. Not much that I can see. I try to keep my own counsel and consciousness, and share it with those who are interested. I try to be as honorable as I can within my own domain. I try to prepare for an uncertain future. I can wait for the tides to change... but I am not holding my breath for a revolutionary shift or mass awakening in my lifetime.
And in any case the USA should mind its own business and stay out of these foreign entanglements (which are always justified with dubious and dishonest excuses). I wish the ideal of America having government of the people by the people for the people was true, but it certainly is not true now if it ever was. It has become an empire, and has been hijacked by elite (and largely foreign) interests. The people here are treated as little more than livestock at the present time.
I hope for real change someday. I voted for Barack Obama, without even having very high expectations other than him being at least better than Bush. But he is a fraud, he is not ANY better than Bush, and I have been suckered for the last time. I will never again vote for a Republican or a Democrat unless they have gone to great lengths to demonstrate their independence, ethics, honor, opposition to this evil empire, and dedication to the people.
These are the sunset years for the USA as delineated by the Constitution. For the most part, the original nation is already finished; Many people just haven't woken up to that yet. It has been accomplished by a slow, steady erosion over many decades. The people allowed this to happen because it was so gradual, and they have now slipped into a kind of quasi-enslavement to a tyrannical and over-reaching federal (and global) government.